Key+ Technology

Because of the growing demand for high-value crops and a decrease in the arable land available, chelated micronutrients like Iron, Zinc, and Manganese are becoming more valuable in the agricultural sector to coincide with a more natural and sustainable approach to crop production.


The Binding Process:

A peptide bond is a covalent bond that is formed between two amino acids. ​

  1. To form a peptide bond, a carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another amino acid. ​
  2. As a result, a molecule of water is also released. This is referred to as a condensation reaction. ​
  3. The resulting bond is a CO-NH bond and is henceforth referred to as a peptide bond. Additionally, the resulting molecule is termed an amide



  • KEYLAN FEà 11% Fe
  • KEYLAN Ca à 12% CaO
  • KEYLAN Mnà 10% Mn
  • KEYLAN Zn  à 11% Zn
  • KEYLAN COMBI à 1,4% B, 0,6% Cu, Mo 0,06, 4,6% Mn, 4,2% Zn
  • KEYLAN MAX à 5,4% Fe, 0,6% B, 0,6% Cu, Mo 0,06, 2% Mn, 2,2% Zn
Scientific Trials

Type of trial: randomization blocks​

Replicates : 4​

Surface per plot: 25m² (10 plants)​

Variety: Bonarda​

Location: Argentina Mendoza area​

Doses / applications: 2 applications​

  1. Chelate EDDHA 20 Kg/ha​
  2. KEYLAN Fe at 10,9 Kg/Ha​

The same amount of Iron is applied with EDDHA and KEYLAN at those doses​

Collected data:​

  • Iron symptoms deficiency​
  • Chlorosis index ( SPAD index)​


Results: symptoms of Iron Chlorosis (Chlorosis symptoms leaf index)

Keylan Iron (10.9 Kg) – 1.25 

EDDHA Product (20 Kg) – 2.75

Uses, Application, and Dosage:

KEYLAN is suitable to prevent and cure nutrient deficiency on a wide range of crops. ​


  • ​drip irrigation​
  • soil injector​
  • hydroponic conditions​
  • Foliar when the growing conditions require this method.​



KEYLAN to be efficient in the field only requires half the dose of any standard synthetic 

Comparison of Chelation Methods and Results




100% Plant derived, Environmentally Friendly, safe and sustainable, fully metabolized by plan

Low degree of fertilization biodegradation and long persistence in the environment.

Mainly Glycine​

Multiple Points of Chelation: 70% of the material used has ability to aid in Chelation​

Ties up other nutrients in the soil, increasing the risk of mobilization of heavy metals from soil-to-soil solution and into water.​

Single Molecule: weak complex only two bonds with the metal​

Works on various metals

Highly sensitive to light, which can damage the structure ​

Works only with iron

Directly assimilable by plant

not directly assimilable by plant

not directly assimilable by plant

Provides chelation and an active Biostimulant effect

works as a formulation aid only, bringing no value to the plant.

Single mode of action, only provides as a chelator​

A CHELATE is a chemical compound composed of a metal ion and a chelating agent, i.e. a substance whose molecules can form several coordinate bonds to a single metal ion. A CHELATING AGENT is a multidentate ligand that forms one or more ring structures with a single metal ion, improving its solubility, biodisponibility, and protecting it from unwanted reactions in the soil and in the plant. KEY+ was developed following the use of biostimulants in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as in the agricultural industry in mineral complexation.

Metals such as iron, zinc, and manganese are beneficial because they enhance the metabolism of plants, which positively affects the life and health of the plant. Because of their high solubility and absorption rate, plants with adequate levels of these metal ions require less chemical input (fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, etc.), allowing the metals to be transferred to the soil and improving the soil health. Chelated metals, like those found in KEYLAN, are highly competitive in form and require less metal to be used for the plant.

While amino acids and peptides are both known to bind metal ions, amino acids have a lower stability which results in unreliable results. In addition, vegetal protein-derived peptides released by enzymatic proteolysis form stronger ligands for complexation with divalent metals. After further development, we established the precise time to introduce the metals in the process to perform the chelation at the highest level. The result is the most optimal chelation effect while maintaining the integrity of the Plant Stimulating Peptides and their biostimulant activity.

  • Agricoltura biologica

    KeyLan Fe Liquid

    Keylan Fe è una soluzione innovativa per la nutrizione delle piante che svolge, allo stesso tempo, anche un'azione biostimolante. Apporta Ferro in un’esclusiva forma biochelata che è prontamente disponibile per l’assorbimento della pianta e non lascia residui nell’ambiente o sulle colture. Keylan Fe è un prodotto naturale ed è la soluzione ideale sia per l'agricoltura convenzionale sia per l’agricoltura biologica, quando l'obiettivo è ottimizzare l'assorbimento del ferro stimolando, allo stesso tempo, il metabolismo delle piante grazie alla presenza dei peptidi vegetali.

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