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Sonar 7-15

SONAR by Hello Nature provides optimal quantities of nutrients for plants throughout their growth cycles. Releasing nitrogen and phosphorus over time, SONAR improves even the most tired soils, providing plants with optimal levels of biologically active organic matter.

SONAR is a fertilizer that has an optimal starter effect. With a balanced ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus, it’s ideal for the fertilization of grains and cereals. SONAR supplies plants with a large quantity of biologically active organic matter, and is beneficial in soils where water is a limiting factor to improve crops and yields. Featuring essential nutrients and containing a large quantity of humified organic and active matter, these compact pellets dissolve into the soil rapidly, improving the structure and water retention of soil, avoiding losses or insolubilization of elements which are so precious to crops. Hello Nature’s organo-mineral fertilizers are produced from select raw materials that are carefully chosen according to strict parameters. The exclusive manufacturing process guarantees maximum quality and safety, delivering a product which is biologically active, free from weed seeds and pathogens (i.e. Salmonella, Escherichia coli, etc.), and rich in useful micro- organisms such as PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria).


• 25kg
• 550kg


SONAR may be used before or during sowing and paired with herbicides, fungicides, biocontrol, biostimulants, foliar fertilizers, Mycorrhizae, insecticides, and other fertilizers.


  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Soil erosion and degradation caused by excess surface run-off
  • Root stress
  • Plant stress/shock
  • Nitrogen loss by leaching
  • Fertilizers application


  • Soil structure and water retention
  • Uptake of nutrients and essential elements
  • Soil fertility and vitality
  • Vegetative growth
  • Root health and colonization
  • Seed germination and emergence
  • Plant growth and development
  • Gradual release of elements throughout crop cycle
  • Biologically active organic matter content in the soil
  • Yield and quality
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of the fertilization
  • Solubility of metals such as iron, zinc and manganese
  • Microbial activity in soils
  • Buffer capacity of soils

SONAR may be used before or during sowing and paired with herbicides, fungicides, biocontrol, biostimulants, foliar fertilizers, Mycorrhizae, insecticides, and other fertilizers. These pellets should be deployed in the field and watered. Once water is added, they dissolve quickly as they are both biologically active and highly hygroscopic.

Industries: Row crop growers, greenhouse and nursery managers, farmers and growers

Nitrogen (N)
Plays a very important role in various plant physiological processes. It imparts dark-green color in plants, promotes leaves, stem and other vegetative part’s growth and development. Moreover, it also stimulates root growth. N produces rapid early growth, enhances the growth of leafy vegetables, and increases protein content of fodder crops.

Organic Matter
Primarily composed of carbon, organic matter in soil has direct benefits for agricultural production. Soil organic matter plays a vital part in enhancing soil fertility and quality, on three levels: chemical (capacity to store and supply essential nutrients), physical (improve soil structure and water holding capacity), and biological (enhance biodiversity, improve microorganisms’ activity, and capture carbon).

Phosphorus (P)
Is essential in photosynthesis and respiration. Seeds have the highest concentration of P in a mature plant, and P is required in large quantities in young cells, such as shoots and root tips, where metabolism is high and cell division is rapid. P aids in root development, flower initiation, and seed and fruit development.

Potassium (K)
Is vital for plant metabolism. It helps in the development of a strong and healthy root system and increases the efficiency of the uptake and use of nitrogen and other nutrients. K helps photosynthesis, regulates the water status in the plant and plays an essential part in the formation of starch and in the production and translocation of sugars. K not only increases yields but also enhances fruit quality, improving flavor and color and increasing the size.

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