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MYR Calcium

Myr Calcium is a plant-based leaf liquid integrator that reduces the occurrence of underlying calcium deficiency, such as tip burn, blossom end rot, and bitter pit. Used at fruit enlargement stage, MYR-CA prevent calcium symptoms, resulting in improved fruit quality and fruit shelf life.

Hello Nature uses organic ingredients in Myr Calcium to reduce the occurrence of calcium deficiency and plant stress. This innovative product provides a quick nutritional action and increases the tolerance of plants to environmental stresses, thanks to the presence of vegetal peptides. MYR-C aims at reducing fruit cracking and helping the development of fruit quality traits, such as color, firmness, and shelf life. Created to counteract nutrient deficiency, MYR-CA addresses sustainable agriculture practices. Ideal for use as a foliar fertilizer, and can be safely paired with insecticides, fungicides, growth regulators, adjuvants, biocontrol protects, and other foliar fertilizers.


• 1L
• 5L
• 20L
• 1200kg IBC


In average conditions: 

Foliar: apply 2-4 quarts per acre 

Soil: apply 1-2 gallons per acre in-furrow 


  • Climatic and other abiotic stresses 
  • Nutritional imbalances 
  • Nutrient deficiencies 
  • Plant loss (from drought and heat) 
  • Root stress 


  • Plant energy production 
  • Uptake of nutrients and essential elements 
  • Yield size and quality 
  • Vibrancy of plant and yield 
  • Photosynthesis processes 
  • Plant production and growth 
  • Stimulation of vegetative growth 

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