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Foliar application is a technique of feeding plants by spraying liquid fertilizer or biostimulant directly to the foliage of growing plants. The absorption takes place through their stomata and also through their epidermis. This type of fertilizer and biostimulant application as a spray solution is also known as a foliar spray. This method is suitable and effective for application of several Hello Nature fertilizers and products with biostimulant action, like vegetal protein hydrolysates. Foliar application is effective to supply minor nutrients like iron, copper, boron, zinc, molybdenum and manganese. Major nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium can also be applied by this method when there is no adequate availability in the soil or during critical growth stage periods, even if foliar application is not substitute for soil application, but only a supplement to it. In fact, supplying a plant’s major nutrient needs (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) is most effective and economical via soil application. Foliar feeding nowadays is widely used and accepted as an essential part of plant production due to the numerous benefits and rapid effectiveness.